Submit Your Call for Proposals Below (Submission Deadline is July 12):

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for the 2024 MAPA-MAPS Australasia Medical Affairs Summit.


The Summit is taking place in Sydney, Australia October 30-31, 2024 at the International Convention Centre (ICC). We invite you to be part of THE defining moment for Medical Affairs as we fully realize our place as a strategic pillar in the biopharmaceutical and MedTech industries.


The theme of the 2024 MAPA-MAPS Australasia Medical Affairs Summit is “Accelerating Impact through Innovation: Medical Affairs at the Cutting Edge”, reflecting the evolving role of technology in shaping both development of our profession and how we engage with our stakeholders.


The overall objective of the conference is to develop, refine, and enhance medical affairs and to share best practices across the industry, and to ensure that participants take home actionable insights and tools that will fuel the capabilities of their Medical Affairs teams. All proposal submissions should take into account the meeting theme and place an emphasis on innovation and leadership. For more information and resources for creating a successful proposal and workshop, please see the Keys to A Successful Proposal and Building a Culture of Learning: Workshop Planning Tips.


We are accepting proposals for workshops and best practices and panel discussions, all of these sessions will be breakout sessions. The sessions should be planned for 60-70 attendees. All sessions can have up to 3 official speakers, these are the only speakers that will be listed on the website, a majority of the speakers (2) must be from Industry.


Workshop- 90 minutes

For workshops, didactic time should be limited to 30 minutes or less, with the remainder of the time spent in small group interactive exercises/table discussions. Provide a description of the proposed session agenda (e.g. time allotted per topic, exercises and/or table discussions, if applicable) Samples of workshop activities can include but are not limited to:

  • Brainstorming
  • Case discussions
  • Debates
  • Games/exercise
  • Role play/skills practice
  • Problem-solving

For more tips and ideas on creating an engaging interactive workshop please check out Building a Culture of Learning: Workshop Planning Tips


Best Practices Session- 60 minutes

A Best Practices session focuses on knowledge transfer typically through a didactic presentation on foundational or intermediate level content. Sessions can appeal to and are earmarked for a specific audience level. For best practices, we strongly encourage some interactivity to enhance the learning and allow for audience input and interaction.


Panel Session- 60 minutes

Generally, a panel session includes a maximum of 3 faculty and all address the same topic with a dedicated moderator/facilitator. Each presenter's work approaches the theme from a different perspective. For a panel discussion, please allow time for audience Q&A.

  • Workshops- 90 minutes- highly interactive with audience participation.
  • Panel Discussion- 60 minutes- limited interactivity, didactic session with Q&A
  • Best practices-60 minutes- limited interactivity, didactic session with Q&A

Each individual may only submit one proposal.

Contact Us

602 Park Point Drive, Suite 225, Golden, CO

80401 - +1 (303) 495-2073


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